Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
Once upon a time I was browsing through Thingiverse looking for a handle extension to my roof window. I need a handle, because my Velux roof window is too high and it's very hard to reach the handle from the ground. I wanted something fully 3D printed and not ugly. So I decided to design one myself.
DesignI originally went for a fully 3D printed design, but soon realised, that for the handle to be sturdy and not wobbly, I'll need to tighten it down somehow. So I split it into two pieces, and joined them with two M2 bolts and corresponding threaded inserts in the other piece.
This is the first working prototype, and I'm currently working to make the bolt and threaded insert area a bit stronger and make the model parametric to accept different sized bolts and accommodate differently sized window handles.