Star Wars led light, can use either rgb or programmable, space in rear for arduino/controller and wiring. Needs large bed printer, model is 426mm wide. Scaling will not work, unless you thicken the lens faces back to 2mm, they must be printed at .2 layer height to function properly. Choice of deep recess 3 color lenses(filament swap white for 2mm, black for 30mm and yellow for last 6mm) or straight white low profile lenses (as pictured). RGB can be done in single strip, no soldering, programmable will need 4 strips (and soldering) to maintain color balance. Arduino code included here, but it is just the fastled color palette example. (pin 5 is led data) If you enjoy this model, feel free to tip :)
15 Likes30 DownloadsMarch 9, 2023
15 Likes30 DownloadsMarch 9, 2023