Coffin, Display, Box, for Care Bear Dracula, print in place, articulate
bythelightspdSo one issue with the previous display coffin for the Care Bears... It had a lid that required a piece of filament to attach the lid. So long story short scaling was a huge challenge. So I went back to the drawing board and redesigned it so it can be a print in place model. This is a coffin case for the Dracula (or any) bear. But the key was to make it where it can be scaled down to minimum 50% ( I have tested this and it's perfect), and to still be able to allow it to be a display box. In the lid you'll see a print in place prop built in. This is a support that comes out to allow the coffin to double as a display box. So hopefully all that makes since. If you want multi color? I have seperated the cross in the lid. If you want it one color just color them the same. The lid snaps snuggly shut and easily pulls open.