An ever changing strategy game for 2-4 players that's easy to print and assemble with no gluing required. Get four in a row on a multi level 3D rotating game boards. On your turn, place a sphere OR rotate a level board to ruin your opponents' strategy and change the whole game! Includes a ball container that fits perfectly on top for storage.
Complete package with 3D printing instructions & detailed game playing rules.
Also available on Patreon:
Files Included: Board.stl (print 4 of this) Shaft A.stl (print 2 of this) Shaft B.stl (print 2 of this) Top Box.stl (Print 1 of this) Box Cover.stl (Print 1 of this) Low Poly Sphere.stl (Print 16 of this per player/color | 2 players = 32 | 4 players = 64) Full Sphere.stl (Print 16 of this per player/color if you prefer a smooth sphere over the low poly one above. See notes below.) Half Sphere.stl (Print 32 of this per player/color as an alternative to the full sphere above, glue 2 pieces together to create 1 sphere.)
As always, feel free to make things more interesting by printing different pieces in different colors or if you’re feeling even more adventurous try experimenting with different sizing and scaling :)
Tips & Settings:
No special print settings required.
Shaft A and Shaft B files need to be printed with standard supports. Support removal is extremely easy.
All pieces fit together with no gluing required. See assembly pictures in Instructions PDF file.
This game uses balls/spheres as the playing pieces. Full spheres are known to be a difficult shape for a 3D printer to print nicely, especially the bottom half. Therefore, included are two other alternatives; one alternative is the half sphere where you simply super glue 2 halves to make one full sphere. The second alternative is the low poly sphere that prints in one piece with no supports.
The Top Box is meant to be used for storage and as a container for the spheres during gameplay. During gameplay it does not need to be placed on the top level as it may make the tower too wobbly; It should be placed on the table and used as a ball container during the game. It is only suggested to place it on top of the tower when the game is not in use.