Behold, the Hextraction Claymore Tile! This tile, when triggered, showers the table with 4 balls of DOOM and ejects the lid OFF the tile!
This is BETA 1, so expect issues. In my experience the small pieces are a little tricky to print, and the firing pin should be printed flat with support. The firing pin is hairpin and the spring should barely hold on for maximum sensitivity. If the spring does not grab, file a small amount of the trigger pin away where it should catch.
Required non-printed parts: 1 x Spring per tile
For the spring I used this one off the big A:
"Stainless Steel Small Torsion Spring 0.5 Wire Diameter Outside Diameter 4.5mm Tiny Torsional Spring 20pcs"
The specs are:
120 degree
Wire diameter: 0.5mm
Leg Length 30mm (this must be trimmed a few mm to fit in the channel)