The Stack Overflow Keyboard as sold by Drop dot com includes two RGB LEDs on the underside of the PCB, but all light is blocked by a full aluminum enclosure.
This part replaces the bottom cover, which will let light through and diffuse around the 2mm riser integrated into the new part - provided you use a translucent filament or resin.
I printed mine with Giantarm clear PLA 0.24mm layer height 3 top layers 2 bottom layers 15% infill, pattern = "lines" On an Ender3 V2
Hardware: 4x 6mm M2 screws Or modify the model yourself to allow the original countersunk screws to fit. 4x self-adhesive bumper pads or reuse the original feet that came with the macropad.
6 Likes7 DownloadsJune 13, 2022
6 Likes7 DownloadsJune 13, 2022