This is a Remix that improves on the 12oz Revolver can cup by mattias.hellberg.95
Upgraders from the Original: 1: This 12oz Revolver will pass the essential and infamous "blizzard" test. The original design was too loose to reliably hold a can. 2: This design has integrated condensation drains to let your cold can cup breath as needed. 3: This 12oz Revolver Can Cup is designed to work with MandicReally can ejectors, but it also has its very own can ejector that can be found Here: 4: This package also includes my 12oz Pew Seed - Front BB file to give this 12oz revolver cylinder a more complete look.
INSTRUCTIONS (using Prusa Slicer - other programs should have a similar operation to create individual STL files from a single one): Open File "12oz Revolver Remix w Grips for MMU.stl" in Prusa Slicer. > Right Click on Object. > Select "Split => To Parts". > Now your file "12oz Revolver Remix w Grips for MMU.stl" should be in 3 different parts that can be individually designated separate colors. > And voila, you are ready to make your Full Color 12oz Revolver Can Cup Remix Base and Grips!
Please post your makes of this Remix Design! I would love to see them so we can all Toast together!