Introducing the first shadow box of another popular franchise, Harry Potter. Requested by one of my Patreon members. It depicts Harry, Hermione and Ron facing the evil Voldemort.
I've used the following colors:
- Plate 1: R3D PETG Coffee
- Plate 2: Overture Matte PLA Chocolate
- Plate 3: Tinmorry PLA Silk Copper
- Plate 4: Tinmorry PLA Silk Gold
- Plate 5: PolyMaker PolyTerra PLA Peanut
- Plate 6: Geeetech PLA White
- Logo: Geeetech PLA Black + Geeetech PLA White (multicolor)
The colors are just guidelines, you can get creative with the color scheme for a personal touch.
It consists of 6 numbered plates. Plate number 1 comes in 2 different versions. One **with **the Harry Potter logo on it and one without the logo.
I've added a Harry Potter logo that you can attach to the shadow box if you don't want to use plate number 1 with logo.
You can find the box to display this set here
Print settings Plates
- No supports
- 100% infill
- Arachne wall generator recommended For smooth top finish you could use ironing or print, on smooth buildplate, face down.
- Basic supports with top Z distance of 0.24 100% infill
- Arachne wall generator recommended
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