Hey folks,
for my LinuxCNC retrofit of a Maho MH400E (Philips 432/10 cnc controller) with EtherCAT components i needed a simple and space saving way of interfacing 32 inputs and 32 outputs connected via a DB37 / DSUB37 connector. Since all avaliable DB37 breakouts with DIN rail mounting are at least 12 cm wide and i needed two of them, 24 cm of wasted DIN rail space was out of the question.
So i designed my own 1,6 cm wide breakout, to which you can mount the socket and solder the breakout wires to. I ordered DB37 sockets (https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005006354086316.html) and a 1m long 40 core cable (https://www.voelkner.de/products/207771/LAPP-OeLFLEX-CLASSIC-110-Steuerleitung-40G-0.50mm-Grau-1119040-1-Meterware.html). The advantage of using the individual wires of that cable are the numbered wires from 1 to 39.
The two brakets in the pictures were printed in ABS on a Voron2.4 with 260°C nozzle, 110°C bed, 100% infill and 0.12 mm layer height in around 2 h each.
The DIN rail mount was copied/remixed from here: https://www.printables.com/de/model/556742-adjustable-din-rail-clip-freecad/files