Female Songstress Bard - Calliope the Songstress Bard
byMoonlight MinisCalliope is an archfey bard. She spends her time in the Poison Apple pub, where she keeps tabs on all things mortal. There, she performs occasionally for patrons of the pub, which gives them bonuses for their travels.
I've played her as a human bard in a couple one offs, I love how the model inspires role play. The sculpt was inspired by a combination of Jessica Rabbit, and Anita O'day.
All of my sculpts are created by myself. I put great effort into making all my models easily printable, paintable, and durable on the gaming table. Once you've printed some of them, and see what I mean, tell your friends!
Models are provided both with, and without their integral named base. The supported versions are provided by the amazingly talented folks at ATLAS, in both LYCHEE and STL format.