These panels are designed to hold these triangular mirrors (1" edge length").
Originally I designed these with snaps, but they add risk of chipping the edges of the mirrors, plus I ended up gluing them all into place anyways for safety purposes. There are pockets at each corner of the triangle that I fill with a dab of E6000 adhesive.
No reason this couldn't hold other 1" triangles, like tile, veneer, other prints, etc. Get crazy with it!
Version A is for placing the mirrors facing up (relative to print orientation), Version B is for facing down.
What are Polypanels?
"Welcome to the world of Polypanels, a system of snap together parts that let you build whatever you want! It’s like an open-ended construction toy for making functional things, harnessing the power of 3D printing and the community to make it truly limitless."
Printing Guidelines
A high wall thickness of 5 shells/perimiters will ensure solid snap connectors. From there settings can vary based on your desired outcome. Print solid for the most robust and long lasting joints, or print a lower infill with 0 top and bottom layer thickness for a cool exposed infill pattern.