Discover the meticulously designed Adult Black Dragon 3D model on, the perfect addition for role-playing and fantasy enthusiasts. Exclusively designed by Little Shop of Sigil, this model resides in our Miniatures/Fantasy category, epitomizing the harsh temperament and cruelty of black dragons, colloquially known as skull dragons.
The Adult Black Dragon 3D model showcases the distinctive physical attributes that contrast black dragons from other chromatic creatures. Notice the forward projecting horns wrapped around the dragon's head, a feature that sets them apart, complemented by a large neck frill that adds to their formidable aura. From the dragon's head, left and right arms, wings, legs, tail to torso, this model intricately details every aspect of this mythical creature's anatomy.
Unlike other dragons, black dragons possess slim, wiry bodies, an attribute perfectly replicated in this 3D model. Standing tall at 16 feet, with an impressive 80-foot wingspan, and a vast length of 85 feet, this black dragon weighs an incredible 159,000 pounds, pushing the boundaries of fantasy and reality.
The model does justice to the solitary and territorial nature of the Black Dragon, providing a unique insight into their reclusive lifestyle, usually chosen in extreme hazardous environments or impending threats leading to mass extinction. This Ancient Black Dragon 3D model is a celebration of the mysterious world of fantasy and the thrilling adventures of solitary beings. Dive into the realm of chromatic dragons and explore the captivating details of this phenomenal creature, only on