Datis R

Rock 'The Dwayne' topus

Datis R
Remix Model
Datis R
Datis R
Image 2 of 3
Rock 'The Dwayne' topus 3d model
Datis R
Datis R
Image 2 of 3
Rock 'The Dwayne' topus 3d model
Rock 'The Dwayne' topus 3d model
Rock 'The Dwayne' topus 3d model
Rock 'The Dwayne' topus 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5703541.

"God is dead, and we have killed him"

Or at least, that was my philosophy while I was making this model (which took many minutes of suffering).

You've heard of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, the Rocktopus, or maybe even Dwayne 'The Rocket' Johnson - but you've never seen this....

Rock 'The Dwayne' Johnson.

Enjoy (n't)

0 Likes1 DownloadsJanuary 2, 2023

0 Likes1 DownloadsJanuary 2, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.