Succulent Planter My sister wanted a succulent planter but instead of buying it, I 3D printed it! Designed and printed faster than Prime delivery!
There are notches on the supports that fit into the shelf's, add glue if needed. The pots are just over 3 inches in diameter and almost 2 inches tall. Supports are not required if your printer can do a little bridging.
Please consider using my amazon affiliate links below for the filament I used to make the planter to help support more free designs, its greatly appreciated!
Hatchbox Wood Filament (aff.) This is my go to wood filament. Been thru many spools with a .4 nozzle and never had a single clog.
Ziro Marble Filament (aff.) Prints very good at a good price, the speckles hide all layer lines.
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