Parts Needed: Bambulab Led Kit:
Magnets: 5x3 magnets - amazon is where I get mine. If you have trouble with 5x3 magnets go for a size smaller. try 4x2.Printing Instructions: Speed- Slow it down!!!! I printed this at 100mm/s Infill: 5% If you want to have light pass through the bases if not go for over 45% Walls-2 Wall type- I was able to use classic, but you may need to switch to Arachne. This may help with putting in magnets if they are not going in easily. Layer height: .2 can go smaller if you want it to look better. IMPORTANT: NEED A LAYER PAUSE FOR EVERY FILE!!! You will need to add a layer pause. On Orca and Bambulab you can do this after you slice file and dragging the slider until you find the cuts for the magnets. Make sure to pause at the top of the cut so the magnet will lay flush with the layer it is paused at. For the Wall file it is needed twice.
If you have further questions, please message me on Instagram and I will get back to you!