This is my try for the horadric cube.
A friend of mine, a Diablo-fan, has had birthday, money is short on hand, so i tried to design a horadric cube in Fusion360 with a spring mechanism for a spring i have laying around.
A further spring is used for the pushbutton that opens the lid. [further needed are two wires or small long nails, ..... with a diameter of up to 3.5mm, they are used as hinges for the lid and for the button] [i used some regular coated fence wire for both and it works solid[ish]]
Original, unscaled size is 80 x 80 x 80mm on the outside. and 67 x 60 x 60mm on the inside. [height, width, depth]
[It is intentionelly larger in one dimension to give the glimpse of a subtle wrong feeling when looking inside and the bottom looks weird and hopefully trigger something like the weak feeling that it is bigger on the inside]
Printed successfully [1st try on an unmaintained, grossly disaligned Anet A8],
Assembled successfully [with some glue and heat on the hinges because of the orientation weakness[attention]], [update 2023-06-04: melted the surface of the printed hinges with some heat from a lighter/small torch to solidify them]
Working 50 percent atm [pushbutton works perfect but the spring operated lid opening not] [update 2023-06-04: second cube fully working]
[i forgot to insert the spring for the opening mechanism with the wire because i had broken one hinge as i inserted the wire first try. Now it is sealed with glued in caps]
I just printed one cube so far but two are in the cue. [update 2023-06-04: paintjob done on cube two,photos added, nail polish is from Manhatten cosmetics, Dangerous Attraction]
The printed one and only had following parameters and worked surprisingly well: -layerheight .150mm [first .120mm] -nozzle .5mm -shells 5 -top+bottom solid layers 7 -infill 25% cubic [ideaMaker] -support platform +very few manual at hinges and to support the lid for sideway forces [if hotend bumps into those nice upward reaching little cries]
[this is very individual, but why not, it shows a ballpark of possible success: Filament DevilDesign PLA Bronze Silk [their filaments are insane! pictures doesn't capture the vivid reflections nor do the brilliance justice.] hotend 225°C bed 55°C default speed 40mm/s outer shell 35mm/s first layer 30mm/s had no avail to cooling but would've significantly improved cube]
With these settings it took 220g of best filament to transmute the unscaled cube from the ether of mind in a ~27hr enduring channeling session. [eventually it worked, even with my poor portal and clumsy mind] [i wore my plush bunny slippers with luck +5 while channeling]
Video of working springloaded opening mechanism: