Print-in-Place Mini Vice Heavy Duty Version
This version is similar to the original but the weight saver holes have been removed so that it’s a little stronger and easier to print. The knob on the hand wheel is also now solid, instead of rotating.
Description This mini vise prints vertically as one piece using no supports. There are small pads on the moving jaws that reduce the clearance required in order to print it in place. The risers under the vise allow the handwheel to be turned while sitting on a flat surface. The knob on the hand wheel should swivel as well. The jaws are 64mm wide and open to 80mm. It has an overall printing height of 164mm.
Print Instructions The moving jaws form on top of the serrations of the stationary jaw and as a result it’s important that you use a .4mm nozzle x .45mm line width, and .2mm layer heights if printing at 100%. To free the jaws after printing I pried slightly with a screw driver on each side of the jaws before opening it with the screw.
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