What: - Simple grid system for drawers to sit in and keep them from sliding around. These grids were designed for quick printing and based on 55mm x 55mm dimensions. There are three grids to choose from that basically max out with what my printer can do. - I generally use CA glue to stick the grids to the bottom of the drawer and it seems to work well - Notes: there are many ways to make this work and other grid systems out there so make sure you look around if these aren't for you :)
How: - Printer: Elegoo Netptue 2S - Nozzle: 0.4mm - Slicer: Cura Modified CHEP FF Profile for EN2S - Filament: Overture PLA Black 1.75MM
Why: - Mostly I just wanted to learn Fusion 360 and this was the best way to explore parametric design while having something functional. My desk drawers are a mess and look so much better now. There are plenty of tweaks I would like to make but for now these do the job for me.
Where: - Elegoo Neptune 2S Overture Filiment