IKEA LEDBERG Desk/Plant Lights - Remix and fix for Dioder L1327 multicolour lights
byrmpelModel originally uploaded to Thingiverse at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4706332.
Remixed the lamp to mount Dioder L1327 multi-colour led lamps.
New mount for lamp, to mount, remove the metal mounting plate, then snap the lamp in the mount. (The pivot point should point toward where the metal plate was, photo will follow soon) To-do: the mount is a little loose, need to tighten it up a bit so the light does not fall out as easily. (It does not in normal use, but whit a heavy nudge, it will)
Widened the channel for the cable; the Dioder has 4 wire cable, requiring 6.5 mm wide channel To-do: The connector needs to fit "under the bridge" as well, will have to re-invent this as the current method would result in a very weak bridge.
The rest of the files are not included here, please see the remix-base for those.