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IMPROVED Makeup Organizer, file edits, news

IMPROVED Makeup Organizer, file edits, news

The IMPROVED Makeup Organizer is up! It will be free for personal use for the weekend along with the organizer with the pulpit divider and the trinket tray. On Monday, these three will go to paid and memberships. The rest of the cathedral files will remain exclusive to my members.

The file edits for the Gothic Modular Cathedral base and sides have been posted as an attachment to the original download. Let me know if this works or if I need to post them separately. I'm still getting used to these platforms. I really appreciate everyone's patience with me so far!

I will be releasing the Gothic Cathedral Nail Polish Organizer tomorrow for members, so keep an eye out for that.

Thank you as always for your support, and I hope your week is winding down well :)
