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The new mushroom wall shelf "trametes pubescens"

After over a year of searching I finally found big and freshly intact trametes! This was a super exiting discovery since those are mostly either too small or already in bad condition when you find them.

I returned to the spot multiple times to get the scans of these “trametes pubescens” just right. The weather right now with all the rain and storms make for perfect growing conditions on the freshly fallen wood. The wet conditions also means that a lot of mosquitoes are around. Taking good 3d scans requires you to stand still for quite some time which took a lot of discipline on my side. It was painful and I hope worth it!

06.jpgI carefully cleaned all seven of the scans and tried to not mess with their features too much while optimizing their printability and “shelvability”. I have found a good workflow and rhythm to get this rather boring task done. This was not nearly as difficult as for example the Pineapple due to the easier geometry.

I messed around for some time to get two good shelf compositions – and I think I nailed it.

I am really happy with how this turned out – it is the first 100% fully scanned shelf of my series. As this journey keeps going, I can let more and more parts of the designs actually be “real” natural shapes and I love it.

Have fun printing!

