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Group 1 (Planet of Kalaxios)
Over their long trek of genetically restructuring their gnome and perfecting their
enhanced form, the Kalaxians have known drawbacks. Those earlier defects
have continued to propagate in many cases resulting in four subspecies of the
Kalaxian Race: the Kaloc, Kishkoc, Anshan, and ConKalan. Though the Kaloc and
Kishkoc are subservient species that service the lesser needs of the Kalaxians,
the Anshan and ConKalan staked their claim to different regions of the Kalaxian
moon and war with one another. On occasion, they raid Kalaxian bases and
supply ships as well.
To achieve one’s goal, one must be willing to make sacrifices. A long series of
Kaloc and Kishkoc subservients perished in the first ten years of trials developing
a Space Fighter that would maintain containment beyond their native waters.
Twice as many died upon breaching their moon’s atmosphere, but thanks to
their tireless, and often intentionally overlooked, sacrifices, the Kalaxians now
have a suborbital Fighter which means more long-range craft aren’t far behind.