tracking pixel
1st Gen Low Poly Pokemon Bundle

1st Gen Low Poly Pokemon Bundle

Image 1 of 8
Bulbasaur Low Poly 3d model
Image 1 of 8
Bulbasaur Low Poly 3d model
Bulbasaur Low Poly 3d model
Bulbasaur Low Poly 3d model
Bulbasaur Low Poly 3d model
Bulbasaur Low Poly 3d model
Bulbasaur Low Poly 3d model
Bulbasaur Low Poly 3d model
Bulbasaur Low Poly 3d model
Bulbasaur Low Poly 3d model

About this collection

Catch 'Em All – All 151 First Generation Pokémon!

💫Complete Collection: Catch all 151 first-generation Pokémon in stunning low-poly style! This collection includes every Pokémon, with even the slight gender differences included for those with male and female versions.

📏 Perfectly Scaled: Each model is scaled to 4% of the Pokémon’s real-life size, ensuring a consistent, collectible-sized figure for your display. Feel free to scale them up for more detail - they look even better at larger sizes!

🎨No Multi-Material Printer Needed!: These models are designed so you can achieve clean color separations without a multi-material 3D printer. Easily set up layer color changes in PrusaSlicer or manually change filament at the right moment for perfect color transitions.

🔧Optimized Printing:

  • 3MF files included: The 3MF files come with custom supports, paint-on supports, and support blockers for easier printing.
  • STL files for customization: If you prefer different settings, each Pokémon comes with its own STL file for maximum flexibility.
  • No supports needed?: If a Pokémon is designed to print without supports, it has "no_supp" in its name.
  • Layer height: We recommend a layer height of 0.1 mm to 0.2 mm for the best results.

Membership Perks: Check out our options for savings, exclusive benefits, or a commercial license.

Let’s print 'em all together! 💫

This model is fan art, crafted with care. We’re not affiliated with The Pokémon Company.

We also create many other fun designs at 3Demon!

September 18, 2024

Models in this collection

Bulbasaur Low Poly 3d model

Bulbasaur Low Poly

Ivysaur Low Poly 3d model

Ivysaur Low Poly

Venusaur Low Poly 3d model

Venusaur Low Poly

Charmander Low Poly 3d model

Charmander Low Poly

Charmeleon Low Poly 3d model

Charmeleon Low Poly

Charizard Low Poly 3d model

Charizard Low Poly

Squirtle Low Poly 3d model

Squirtle Low Poly

Wartortle Low Poly 3d model

Wartortle Low Poly

Blastoise Low Poly 3d model

Blastoise Low Poly

Caterpie Low Poly 3d model

Caterpie Low Poly

Metapod Low Poly 3d model

Metapod Low Poly

Butterfree Low Poly 3d model

Butterfree Low Poly

Weedle Low Poly 3d model

Weedle Low Poly

Kakuna Low Poly 3d model

Kakuna Low Poly

Beedrill Low Poly 3d model

Beedrill Low Poly

Pidgey Low Poly 3d model

Pidgey Low Poly

Pidgeotto Low Poly 3d model

Pidgeotto Low Poly

Pidgeot Low Poly 3d model

Pidgeot Low Poly

Rattata Low Poly 3d model

Rattata Low Poly

Raticate Low Poly 3d model

Raticate Low Poly

Spearow Low Poly 3d model

Spearow Low Poly

Fearow Low Poly 3d model

Fearow Low Poly

Ekans Low Poly 3d model

Ekans Low Poly

Arbok Low Poly 3d model

Arbok Low Poly

Pikachu Low Poly 3d model

Pikachu Low Poly

Raichu Low Poly 3d model

Raichu Low Poly

Sandshrew Low Poly 3d model

Sandshrew Low Poly

Sandslash Low Poly 3d model

Sandslash Low Poly

Nidoran Female Low Poly 3d model

Nidoran Female Low Poly

Nidorina Low Poly 3d model

Nidorina Low Poly

Nidoqueen Low Poly 3d model

Nidoqueen Low Poly

Nidoran Male Low Poly 3d model

Nidoran Male Low Poly

Nidorino Low Poly 3d model

Nidorino Low Poly

Clefairy Low Poly 3d model

Clefairy Low Poly

Clefable Low Poly 3d model

Clefable Low Poly

Vulpix Low Poly 3d model

Vulpix Low Poly

Ninetales Low Poly 3d model

Ninetales Low Poly

Jigglypuff Low Poly 3d model

Jigglypuff Low Poly

Wigglytuff Low Poly 3d model

Wigglytuff Low Poly

Zubat Low Poly 3d model

Zubat Low Poly

Golbat Low Poly 3d model

Golbat Low Poly

Oddish Low Poly 3d model

Oddish Low Poly

Gloom Low Poly 3d model

Gloom Low Poly

Vileplume Low Poly 3d model

Vileplume Low Poly

Paras Low Poly 3d model

Paras Low Poly

Parasect Low Poly 3d model

Parasect Low Poly

Venonat Low Poly 3d model

Venonat Low Poly

Venomoth Low Poly 3d model

Venomoth Low Poly

Diglett Low Poly 3d model

Diglett Low Poly

Dugtrio Low Poly 3d model

Dugtrio Low Poly

Meowth Low Poly 3d model

Meowth Low Poly

Persian Low Poly 3d model

Persian Low Poly

Psyduck Low Poly 3d model

Psyduck Low Poly

Golduck Low Poly 3d model

Golduck Low Poly

Mankey Low Poly 3d model

Mankey Low Poly

Primeape Low Poly 3d model

Primeape Low Poly

Growlithe Low Poly 3d model

Growlithe Low Poly

Arcanine Low Poly 3d model

Arcanine Low Poly

Poliwag Low Poly 3d model

Poliwag Low Poly

Poliwhirl Low Poly 3d model

Poliwhirl Low Poly

Poliwrath Low Poly 3d model

Poliwrath Low Poly

Abra Low Poly 3d model

Abra Low Poly

Kadabra Low Poly 3d model

Kadabra Low Poly

Alakazam Low Poly 3d model

Alakazam Low Poly

Machop Low Poly 3d model

Machop Low Poly

Machoke Low Poly 3d model

Machoke Low Poly

Machamp Low Poly 3d model

Machamp Low Poly

Bellsprout Low Poly 3d model

Bellsprout Low Poly

Weepinbell Low Poly 3d model

Weepinbell Low Poly

Victreebel Low Poly 3d model

Victreebel Low Poly

Tentacool Low Poly 3d model

Tentacool Low Poly

Tentacruel Low Poly 3d model

Tentacruel Low Poly

Geodude Low Poly 3d model

Geodude Low Poly

Graveler Low Poly 3d model

Graveler Low Poly

Golem Low Poly 3d model

Golem Low Poly

Ponyta Low Poly 3d model

Ponyta Low Poly

Rapidash Low Poly 3d model

Rapidash Low Poly

Slowpoke Low Poly 3d model

Slowpoke Low Poly

Slowbro Low Poly 3d model

Slowbro Low Poly

Magnemite Low Poly 3d model

Magnemite Low Poly

Magneton Low Poly 3d model

Magneton Low Poly

Farfetchd Low Poly 3d model

Farfetchd Low Poly

Doduo Low Poly 3d model

Doduo Low Poly

Dodrio Low Poly 3d model

Dodrio Low Poly

Seel Low Poly 3d model

Seel Low Poly

Dewgong Low Poly 3d model

Dewgong Low Poly

Grimer Low Poly 3d model

Grimer Low Poly

Muk Low Poly 3d model

Muk Low Poly

Shellder Low Poly 3d model

Shellder Low Poly

Cloyster Low Poly 3d model

Cloyster Low Poly

Gastly Low Poly 3d model

Gastly Low Poly

Haunter Low Poly 3d model

Haunter Low Poly

Gengar Low Poly 3d model

Gengar Low Poly

Onix Low Poly 3d model

Onix Low Poly

Drowzee Low Poly 3d model

Drowzee Low Poly

Hypno Low Poly 3d model

Hypno Low Poly

Krabby Low Poly 3d model

Krabby Low Poly

Kingler Low Poly 3d model

Kingler Low Poly

Voltorb Low Poly 3d model

Voltorb Low Poly

Electrode Low Poly 3d model

Electrode Low Poly

Exeggcute Low Poly 3d model

Exeggcute Low Poly

Exeggutor Low Poly 3d model

Exeggutor Low Poly

Cubone Low Poly 3d model

Cubone Low Poly

Marowak Low Poly 3d model

Marowak Low Poly

Hitmonlee Low Poly 3d model

Hitmonlee Low Poly

Hitmonchan Low Poly 3d model

Hitmonchan Low Poly

Lickitung Low Poly 3d model

Lickitung Low Poly

Koffing Low Poly 3d model

Koffing Low Poly

Weezing Low Poly 3d model

Weezing Low Poly

Rhyhorn Low Poly 3d model

Rhyhorn Low Poly

Rhydon Low Poly 3d model

Rhydon Low Poly

Chansey Low Poly 3d model

Chansey Low Poly

Tangela Low Poly 3d model

Tangela Low Poly

Kangaskhan Low Poly 3d model

Kangaskhan Low Poly

Horsea Low Poly 3d model

Horsea Low Poly

Seadra Low Poly 3d model

Seadra Low Poly

Goldeen Low Poly 3d model

Goldeen Low Poly

Seaking Low Poly 3d model

Seaking Low Poly

Starmie Low Poly 3d model

Starmie Low Poly

Mr Mime Low Poly 3d model

Mr Mime Low Poly

Scyther Low Poly 3d model

Scyther Low Poly

Jynx Low Poly 3d model

Jynx Low Poly

Electabuzz Low Poly 3d model

Electabuzz Low Poly

Magmar Low Poly 3d model

Magmar Low Poly

Pinsir Low Poly 3d model

Pinsir Low Poly

Tauros Low Poly 3d model

Tauros Low Poly

Magikarp Low Poly 3d model

Magikarp Low Poly

Gyarados Low Poly 3d model

Gyarados Low Poly

Lapras Low Poly 3d model

Lapras Low Poly

Ditto Low Poly 3d model

Ditto Low Poly

Eevee Low Poly 3d model

Eevee Low Poly

Vaporeon Low Poly 3d model

Vaporeon Low Poly

Jolteon Low Poly 3d model

Jolteon Low Poly

Flareon Low Poly 3d model

Flareon Low Poly

Porygon Low Poly 3d model

Porygon Low Poly

Omanyte Low Poly 3d model

Omanyte Low Poly

Omastar Low Poly 3d model

Omastar Low Poly

Kabuto Low Poly 3d model

Kabuto Low Poly

Kabutops Low Poly 3d model

Kabutops Low Poly

Aerodactyl Low Poly 3d model

Aerodactyl Low Poly

Snorlax Low Poly 3d model

Snorlax Low Poly

Articuno Low Poly 3d model

Articuno Low Poly

Zapdos Low Poly 3d model

Zapdos Low Poly

Moltres Low Poly 3d model

Moltres Low Poly

Dratini Low Poly 3d model

Dratini Low Poly

Dragonair Low Poly 3d model

Dragonair Low Poly

Dragonite Low Poly 3d model

Dragonite Low Poly

Mewtwo Low Poly 3d model

Mewtwo Low Poly

Mew Low Poly 3d model

Mew Low Poly

September 18, 2024