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Engineered Supports with just a few simple nodes!

Engineered Supports with just a few simple nodes!

Printing at a steep angle to get stronger parts is an important hack to know about. But while it does create strength it does create its own issues. Like messy print-time compounding generated supports. Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 2.34.12 PM.png

Fortunately with just a few nodes in Blender you can take a mesh model of your own support custom designed support mesh, and then use the main model to mesh boolean a very tightly constrained gap between the main object, and the engineered support mesh.Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 2.38.27 PM.pngthis means you can print with no generated supports, your print will print much faster, and that your own engineered supports will break right off after the print is complete!Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 2.47.58 PM.png
