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New Category: Abstract Home Decor

New Category: Abstract Home Decor

I'm excited to announce a new addition to the MysticMesh3D catalog: abstract home decor!

Home decor is a great category for selling 3D-printed products. People are shopping online everyday searching for unique, eye-catching items to enhance their living spaces. This abstract vase can be printed with less than 100 grams of filament, making the product cost for this design less than $2. This product has high profit margins and could potentially be a great seller for 3D printing shops who sell online, as well as in person at craft shows and events too!

This design can be scaled to any size and customized with hundreds of different filament types. It can be printed with glow-in-the-dark filament, dual or tri-color filaments, or simply in white for a clean, minimalist aesthetic.
