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**December’s Early Access Parts Become Free Today**

**December’s Early Access Parts Become Free Today**

It’s been about three months since December, so the first batch of early access parts is now available for free!

These are the parts I’m talking about:

- 80 Bin Extensions

- 10 Bin Bottoms

- Double Pegboard Click Hook

- 2 Push-Fit Pixels

- Panel To Tiles Multigrid T Click

- 2 Bin To Tile, Multigrid T Click Locks

- 2 Bin Through Plate To Tile, Multigrid T Click Locks

All of these parts can be found in the Parts Library:

Keep Making!

PS - To anyone who’s a @MultiMaker Supporter, a gigantic THANK YOU ❤️! You’re the reason Multiboard is possible.

If you feel like there hasn’t been enough new content, hang tight, because there are a lot of Part Generators coming soon, plus a mountain of new accessories.
