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Revised Grim Reaper Cloak & Snap-Bat

Revised Grim Reaper Cloak & Snap-Bat

Are you ready to get SPOOKY?

Today we've got 2 releases:

1 New Model - Snap-Bat

1 Revised Model - Grim Reaper Revisited (temporary re-release)



First up, the Snap-Bat is another style experiment. I was debating about whether to go more realistic or cartoony, and decided to opt for the cute version this time.

PXL_20240927_160525429.jpgThis model only has one articulation in the neck joint, but that Snap-Flex 2.0 goes a long way, letting you fidget, flex, and snap it together to your heart's content.

I've been snapping one pretty much all day, so can confirm it's very fidgetable.

Grim Reaper Revisited

Last year, everyone seemed to love the reaper, however a large number of users had trouble with thin walls on the cloak. I've made a few key improvements to thicken up the cloak, and I wanted to re-release this model so that everyone who downloaded the original has a chance to get the new version.

Changes include:
Thicker Cloak - Many users had difficulty printing the cloak due to thin walls on the front and sleeves. I've thicked up all of the walls AND included an additional **THICKEST** cloak

Snap-Flex 2.0 - I've included the updated Snap-Flex joint (see notes below)

Longer Spine - I've included both the original length AND a longer version of the spine. The longer version doesn't quite fit fully in the cloak when fully unsnapped, so I suggest locking segments 2-5 and 6-9 to get the long version to fit

I'm heading to 3DPrintopia this weekend, so let me know if you'll be there and want to say hello!

I might even have a few free prints for folks who are interested.

Stay Spooky!

~Tom (Mimetics3D)
