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Halloween Psyduck Pokemon (No support, 3mf included)
Optimize your festive 3D printing projects with thang printing projects with's Halloween Psyduck Pokémon model. Authored by designer LM3D, this unique 3D printable design gives the iconic Psyduck from Pokémon an eerie yet charming Halloween-themed makeover, placing it under the "Seasonal/Halloween" category. Enhanced by its no-support feature, the design is easily printable, with a 3mf file included to ensure print-readiness. For a visual tour of the Seasonal Psyduck model, visit the product page and explore the diverse visuals of the model showcasing intricate details and angles. With images giving a comprehensive view from 360 degrees, they help you visualize the model's Spooky charm perfect for your Halloween décor or collection. Check out to adopt your own 3D model of Halloween Psyduck, and don't forget to share your final product with us on Instagram, @lm3d_official. We'd love to see how our haunted Psyduck comes to life in your creative space!