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The white with black top gives a cool effect, i looks like silver. The color change is al layer 100
_Instruction for the open top layer: _ Bambu Studio (the setting are set in the 3mf (Bambu Studio))
In global tab choose the Octogram Spiral infill en enable supports Go the the object tab; i used the Height range modifier (Right click on the object in the object tab) That way the logo and symbols have a closed top layer Choosing other infill is also possible
-Set the layes you want to change; in this case it's 0 to 20 mm
-In the object tab set top layers to 0 and infill to Octogram Spiral
-Dont forget to do the color swaps. Change at layer 100 to the color of your choice
Slice and print =)
Have fun printing, and don't hesitate to share your makes.