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BOUTIQUE - Cat Gyroid, Cat Ball, & Dragon Ball Fidgets EARLY ACCESS

BOUTIQUE - Cat Gyroid, Cat Ball, & Dragon Ball Fidgets EARLY ACCESS

Hey everyone!

It's been a while, so I thought it was time for a new fidget batch drop! Because I have no self control, we know I couldn't just put out one lol.

The cat gyroid spinner I know y'all have been waiting on for a LONG time, and the other two are new styles of fidgets that I spent a LONG time getting the right feel for! They're print in place just like all my fidgets and once you pop them off the print bed, they have a free floating ball on the inside that you can spin and play with.

I created these two in the new style to accommodate my own preferences since I know sometimes when I need a fidget, I want something soothing that's a bit more mindless than the gyroid spinners and will spin in any direction you touch the ball. The dragon stays on my bag at all times now as my new favorite fidget, so I hope some of y'all and your customers enjoy them too! <3

Filament is Egloo Silk Gold, Amolen Dual red/black, and Amolen tri blue/red/yellow

Print recs:
2-3 walls
5-15% infill
No supports
Size up or down as desired

I hope y'all like them!

Thanks so much for all your support <3

  • Kek
