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Here’s What We’re Working On… (2100 New Parts! 🤯)

Here’s What We’re Working On… (2100 New Parts! 🤯)

As some of you may know, we’ve been working hard for many months developing Multipoint...

It’s an entirely new system by itself, that will work with Multiboard and open the doors to ridiculously modular storage that has never been done before.

The image attached to this post shows a top-level overview of all the parts coming in the Multipoint launch.

- The list on the left shows the parts that are getting updated. 

- The list on the right shows all the new parts.

- The parts in green have been fully developed.

(Yes, it’s intentionally blurry to keep it a surprise 😉)

It’s looking to be about 2100 new parts — that’s TRIPLE what we have right now! 🤯

The Big Question Is: When is Multipoint Launching?

We still need to finish off development, then upload 2000+ parts and build the website. 

And even then, we want to make the learning process as easy as possible, so we’ll only launch after creating sufficient documentation, like descriptions, pre-made packs, and video tutorials.

So, it’s still going to be a while. But trust me, it’ll be worth the wait!

Should You Keep Printing Multiboard Stuff?

For now, I’d suggest holding off on diving too deeply into Multigrid, as the bins are the main parts that will see updates.

I can’t wait to show you how cool Multipoint is! 

Have a fantastic weekend and as always… Keep Making! 🛠️

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