50% Off this holiday season!
For a limited time use the code "HAPPY50" and get a 50% the first month if you subscribe at least 2 months. Cancel anytime after the second month.
Tiers explained:
-Hobbyist $8. You get any 5 models of your choice every month. You are not allowed to sell your prints.
-Pro $12 (The most popular). You can download 12 models of your choice every month. You are welcome to sell your prints for as long as you are an active member.
-Unlimited $40. You can download as many models as you like and you are welcome to sell your prints for as long as you are an active member. If you join for a year you get a 50% off for the whole year, so only $20 a month.
* If any questions feel free to contact me on social media, links in my Profile: