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Win a 3D Printer!

Win a 3D Printer!

Here's your chance to win a Bambu Lab A1 Combo! I am giving away a printer every. single. week. to a ForgeCore member!

Not a member? Sign up here

To Compete

How to Win

We will choose a winner using these criteria:

1. Print Quality

    • Overall look of the model. Minimal imperfections, good color choices, clean layer lines, etc.

2. Picture Quality

    • Well Composed
    • Good Lighting (natural lighting looks best 99% of the time)
    • Good Background Choice (Clean background, or used in setting, no white backgrounds please)

3. Originality and Effort

    • Bonus is given for printing more complex models (ie, desktop hockey)
    • Models with less makes

Note: Thangs uses vertical image formatting. A great place to look for inspiration is the thumbnail photos I use for the models, just without words of course.

To see the competition checkout the maker showcase. Like the other ForgeCore models you see!


The competitions reset every week with the maker showcase. Which runs Friday to Friday

Make sure you like all the ForgeCore makes! Thangs gives out tons of extra prizes as well, so let's support each other!

How to upload a Make? Video Here

  1. Go to the model that you printed
  2. Click "Add new" on the top right of the photos under "Makes"
  3. Upload your image!
