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Weekly Update: 6-17

Weekly Update: 6-17

Hi Everyone! Here's some updates for the week of 6-17. I'm going to be doing weekly updates now so everyone can stay in the loop with new releases, model updates, and future projects.

Newest Release

This past week I released the Forest Chess Set. A log that unrolls into a chess board with mushroom pieces and a textured board. This board is super fun to play with, but also looks great when displayed. This was made in collaboration with Gazzaladra!

Model Updates

The Cactus Coasters now have a separate (and stronger) peg attachment. This fixes the issue some were facing of the pegs not printing correctly and being prone to breaking.

The Cactus Toothpick Holder now has a separated screw-in pole to make it easier to print and ship. This also makes it much more durable. The spring has received an update to make it easier to print and make the toothpicks move slightly further. A metal spring has also been linked, for those that want a super nice and reliable spring feel.

What's Next?

- Desktop Disc Golf (coming next)

- A Mechanical Sunflower Lamp

- and Acorn Checkers

I'm always working on a bunch of projects at once, but these are a few of the ones that are definitely coming out. So stay tuned and have fun printing!

