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Unicorn Dragon, Early Access Release!

Unicorn Dragon, Early Access Release!

Last release of the month! - Unicorn Dragon! Hi Everyone!  It's been a fun month of models and I wanted to finish off with a Cinder-style Dragon for you all! This Unicorn Dragon rendition does have a couple pokey pieces, so I am working on a softer version as well that will be released in a later month. Tester Kelsey's Kreatures and I both made a .3MF file of this Dragon! Thank you Kelcy! The Unicorn Dragon also looks amazing in a single Tri-color (shown in the attached pictures).

Also, I love seeing all the beautiful Great Stone Dragon prints on our Discord Chat! I know there are some that are having issues with the wings as well. Please know, that we hear you and I am working on fixing the issue. There is no set time frame for this testing.

Filaments used: (link below)
Blue Dragon: ZIRO Pure, Stronghero3D Mirror Chrome Purple/Blue, Filamentium Gold
Black Dragon: Cookiecad Pink Star Stuff, Bambu Galaxy Nebulae, Bambu Silk Gold Single Color: Amolen purple/bluegreen/orange

Thank you all for the great month! Thank you Testers and Admin Jazzy! I have some more tiny models coming out starting next month! Excited to see what you all think! See you in JUNE! Please remember to check the released file list below and make sure you download everything for the month!



All my designs are print-in-place and require no supports. All you need is a clean bed and you're off! Print Settings:  .2 Layer height, 15% infill, gyroid infill, no brim, and no supports. (If there are smaller parts of your print that have a hard time staying stuck to the plate, please try a brim around those parts) Please join our discord chat below for more help and discussions. Filament:


MAY 2024 Models:

Rose Snake - RELEASED
Exclusive Baby Mushroom Dragon - RELEASED
Tiny Crystal Spider - RELEASED
Tiny Fairy Spider - RELEASED
Great Stone Dragon - RELEASED
Unicorn Dragon - RELEASED
Please see WELCOME POST for questions!

Discord is our MAIN form of communication and way to provide help!
Join the server here!

For any help requests or issues please go through this email: Email ( OR through a Discord ticket!

Thank you, Cinders, for your support!!! And Thank you to our Admin Jazzy and Test Team for all your hard work!
