Tribù Critters #1: Crystal + House
Bella Gente!!!
I know, I know. I spammed videos, previews, messages on discord. All for this little creature and his little house. 😂😂😂
The house is printed at 0.20, the crystals at 0.16. Take your pick. In one day you should be able to print everything.
I decided to print the crystals with a clear filament (elegoo, awesome) for a play of light, but you can print it any way you like, of course.
I used a tea lamp of those submersible ones, which you buy in multi-packs on amazon or similar. You can use whatever is most convenient for you, such as rechargeable rgb candles or rechargeable pool lights.
The size is ideal for a mini without the need to shrink. Since it is a box, you will decide whether to shrink it or not.
I hope you will enjoy it. 🫠
As I anticipated, this is just the first version. Other versions are in works. Very nice ones too!!! 🤩
Have fun and give me your helpful feedback.
A super cute hug! ❤️🔥