Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
This is a remix of an earlier design:
In this remix I have:
Value Engineered thing components to reduce the print time and plastic usage.
Redesigned assembly with all clip fits so the bolts, nuts & washer are no longer required.
Printing\Assembly Instructions:
1.The components are quite robust so multi perimeters are not absolutely essential. All nodes prototypes were printed in PLA with a 25% infill and 2 perimeters. The bridging collar was printed with 4 perimeters and 30% infill.
2.All parts can be printed without support but the Connection Collar may require a raft for stability depending on build surface (all my prototype parts were printed successfully without any rafts). I have integrated support for the top clip in the Bridging Collar to produce a better finish and reduce stringing. Both of these supports will need to be removed prior to assembly (see uploaded image).
2.Printed at 0.2 resolution on an Ender 5 & CR10S.
3.The Retention clip was printed in PLA but even greater flexing may be achieved with PETG.
In my prototype testing, this thing works has perceived, strong & resilient and is very much fit for purpose. However, if you think that your Dyson equipment may be handled very roughly I would recommend making the previous version which is slightly over-engineered and very solid.
Update: 22\02\19
Re uploaded thing files with both Binary and ASCII versions
Update: 22\02\19
Uploaded versions of thing files inspected in Meshmixer